Welcome in the website of the association

English home page.


"Les Farfadets de l'énergie"

"The Sprites of the energy"

French association registered (authenticated with the RNA number : W723017313)
RNA means (french) national register of association.

News :

  • We are officially registered since 29 November 2022

aims of the association :

  • design, develop, make, improve environmentally friendly systems, under free license

  • enable the public to make it, in particular by disseminating  plans and necessary information


The little sprites are slowly working on the website,

as we are french, we first work the french section.


Website license :

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this site is under CC BY-NC-SA licence.


More details on => Créative Communs website


Legal notice :

You can have a look on legal notice

Please note that the French version shall prevail.